Create an ODBC DSN entry using c# (for MySQL)
Create MySQL User:
CREATE USER 'abirami'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'abirami';
MySQL ODBC 3.51 Download:
<!-- dsn Entries-->
<add key="serverName" value="localhost"/>
<add key="DSNName" value="dsnabirami"/>
<add key="driverName" value="MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver"/>
<add key="databaseName" value="abiramittm"/>
<add key="description" value="Sample DSN"/>
<add key="User" value="abirami"/>
<add key="Password" value="abirami"/>
Create New Class file(ODBCManager.cs) and add below line:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.IO;
namespace WinUI
public static class ODBCManager
private const string ODBC_INI_REG_PATH = "SOFTWARE\\ODBC\\ODBC.INI\\";
/// Creates a new DSN entry with the specified values. If the DSN exists, the values are updated.
/// Name of the DSN for use by client applications
/// Description of the DSN that appears in the ODBC control panel applet
/// Network name or IP address of database server
/// Name of the driver to use
/// True to use NT authentication, false to require applications to supply username/password in the connection string
/// Name of the datbase to connect to
public static void CreateSystemDSN(string dsnName, string description, string server, string driverName, bool trustedConnection, string database, string User, string Password)
// Lookup driver path from driver name
RegistryKey driverKey = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(ODBCINST_INI_REG_PATH + driverName);
if (driverKey == null) throw new Exception(string.Format("ODBC Registry key for driver '{0}' does not exist", driverName));
string driverPath = driverKey.GetValue("Driver").ToString();
// Add value to odbc data sources
RegistryKey datasourcesKey = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(ODBC_INI_REG_PATH + "ODBC Data Sources");
if (datasourcesKey == null) throw new Exception("ODBC Registry key for datasources does not exist");
datasourcesKey.SetValue(dsnName, driverName);
// Create new key in odbc.ini with dsn name and add values
RegistryKey dsnKey = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(ODBC_INI_REG_PATH + dsnName);
if (dsnKey == null) throw new Exception("ODBC Registry key for DSN was not created");
dsnKey.SetValue("Database", database);
dsnKey.SetValue("Description", description);
dsnKey.SetValue("Driver", driverPath);
dsnKey.SetValue("Server", server);
dsnKey.SetValue("Database", database);
dsnKey.SetValue("User", User);
dsnKey.SetValue("Password", Password);
dsnKey.SetValue("Trusted_Connection", trustedConnection ? "Yes" : "No");
public static void CreateUSERDSN(string dsnName, string description, string server, string driverName, bool trustedConnection, string database, string User, string Password)
// Lookup driver path from driver name for HKEY_CURRENT_USER
RegistryKey driverKey = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(ODBCINST_INI_REG_PATH + driverName);
if (driverKey == null) throw new Exception(string.Format("ODBC Registry key for driver '{0}' does not exist", driverName));
string driverPath = driverKey.GetValue("Driver").ToString();
// Add value to odbc data sources
RegistryKey datasourcesKey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(ODBC_INI_REG_PATH + "ODBC Data Sources");
if (datasourcesKey == null) throw new Exception("ODBC Registry key for datasources does not exist");
datasourcesKey.SetValue(dsnName, driverName);
// Create new key in odbc.ini with dsn name and add values
RegistryKey dsnKey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(ODBC_INI_REG_PATH + dsnName);
if (dsnKey == null) throw new Exception("ODBC Registry key for DSN was not created");
dsnKey.SetValue("Database", database);
dsnKey.SetValue("Description", description);
dsnKey.SetValue("Driver", driverPath);
dsnKey.SetValue("Server", server);
dsnKey.SetValue("Database", database);
dsnKey.SetValue("User", User);
dsnKey.SetValue("Password", Password);
dsnKey.SetValue("Trusted_Connection", trustedConnection ? "Yes" : "No");
/// Removes a DSN entry
/// Name of the DSN to remove.
public static void RemoveDSN(string dsnName)
// Remove DSN key
Registry.LocalMachine.DeleteSubKeyTree(ODBC_INI_REG_PATH + dsnName);
// Remove DSN name from values list in ODBC Data Sources key
RegistryKey datasourcesKey = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(ODBC_INI_REG_PATH + "ODBC Data Sources");
if (datasourcesKey == null) throw new Exception("ODBC Registry key for datasources does not exist");
/// Checks the registry to see if a DSN exists with the specified name
public static bool DSNExists(string dsnName)
bool retval = false;
string DSNPath = "";
RegistryKey dsnKey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey(ODBC_INI_REG_PATH, RegistryKeyPermissionCheck.ReadSubTree);
if (dsnKey.OpenSubKey(dsnName) != null)
DSNPath = dsnKey.OpenSubKey(dsnName).Name;
if (DSNPath.Equals(dsnKey.Name + @"\" + dsnName))
retval = true;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
return retval;
/// Returns an array of driver names installed on the system
Form Load of frmLogin.cs
private void frmLogin_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string serverName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["serverName"].ToString();
string DSNName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DSNName"].ToString();
string driverName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["driverName"].ToString();
string databaseName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["databaseName"].ToString();
string description = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["description"].ToString();
string User = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["User"].ToString();
string Password = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"].ToString();
if (!ODBCManager.DSNExists(DSNName))
ODBCManager.CreateUSERDSN(DSNName, description, serverName, driverName, false, databaseName, User, Password);
logger.Info(DSNName + " Created Sucessfully");
catch (Exception ex)
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